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Discrete Math, Sixth Problem Set (June 30)
REU 2003

Instructor: Laszlo Babai
Scribe: David Balduzzi

% latex2html id marker 792Show if $3\alpha_1+7\alpha_2-17\alp...
where $\underline{\alpha}=(\alpha_1,\alpha_2,\alpha_3)$.

% latex2html id marker 794
{\bf (Kronecker)} \ \
If the real numbers...
...ed in $[0,1]^n$,
where $\underline{\alpha}=(\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_n)$.

% latex2html id marker 796$1,\sqrt{2},\sqrt{3}$\ are linearly independent over $\mathbb{Q}$.

% latex2html id marker 798$1,\sqrt{2},\dots,\sqrt{p}$\ are linearly independent over $\mathbb{Q}$.
Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization
input: $ {\mathbf{b}}_1,{\mathbf{b}}_2,\dots$ sequence of vectors in a (finite or infinite dimensional) Euclidean space.
output: $ {\mathbf{b}}_1^*,{\mathbf{b}}_2^*,\dots$
1. $ {\mathbf{b}}_i^*\cdot {\mathbf{b}}_j^*=0$ if $ i\neq j$.
2. Let $ U_i=$ span $ \{{\mathbf{b}}_1,\dots,{\mathbf{b}}_i\}$. Then also $ U_i=$ span $ \{{\mathbf{b}}_1^*,\dots,{\mathbf{b}}_i^*\}$.
3. $ {\mathbf{b}}_i-{\mathbf{b}}_i^*\in U_{i-1}$.

Prove that under the stated condition, the output sequence
is unique.

% latex2html id marker 826Prove that Gram-Schmidt orthogonali...
...\mathbf{b}}_k)=$\ vol$({\mathbf{b}}_1^*,\dots,{\mathbf{b}}_k^*)$.

Definition 0.1   The Gram matrix of $ {\mathbf{b}}_1,\dots,{\mathbf{b}}_k$ is

$\displaystyle G({\mathbf{b}}_1,\dots,{\mathbf{b}}_k)=({\mathbf{b}}_i\cdot{\mathbf{b}}_j)_{k\times k}.

% latex2html id marker 856Prove that $G({\mathbf{b}}_1,\dots,...
...\{{\mathbf{b}}_1,\dots,{\mathbf{b}}_k\}$are linearly independent.

Exercise 0.2   Show det $ G({\mathbf{b}}_1,\dots,{\mathbf{b}}_k)=$ det $ G({\mathbf{b}}_1^*,\dots,{\mathbf{b}}_k^*)$.

Example 0.3  

% latex2html id marker 1384G({\mathbf{b}}_1^*,\dots,{\math...
...\mathbf 0} & & \Vert{{\mathbf{b}}_k}\Vert^2

% latex2html id marker 886
Argue that $\det G({\mathbf{b}}_1,\d...
...\em Hint.}\ Use the previous
example and the exercise preceding.

% latex2html id marker 896The $k$-dimensional volume of the p...
{\em Note:} If $k=n$, then the volume itself is an integer. Why?

Example 0.4   Let $ {\mathbf{a}},{\mathbf{b}}\in {\mathbb{R}}^n$. Then

% latex2html id marker 1389

Note that the last inequality is the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality.

% latex2html id marker 936Let $A$\ be the $n\times k$\ matrix...
...em Hint.}\ $A^*A=\left([{\mathbf{b}}_i]^*[{\mathbf{b}}_j]\right).$\end{exercise}

Exercise 0.5   Do exercises on p114-115 of handout.

Varsha Dani 2003-07-25