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Discrete Math, Ninth Problem Set (July 9th)
REU 2003

Instructor: Laszlo Babai
Scribe: David Balduzzi

READING: Please read the handout on irreducibility of polynomials (last chapter of ``Algebra review'' handout.)

Recall that $ \alpha$ is an algebraic number if $ \alpha$ is a root of some nonzero polynomial $ f$ with rational coefficients. If $ f$ has the lowest possible degree then we call $ f$ minimal polynomial of $ \alpha$. The degree of $ \alpha$ is the degree of its minimal polynomial.

Exercise 0.1   Show that the minimal polynomial is irreducible over $ {\mathbb{Q}}$.

Exercise 0.2   Lat $ f\in\mathbb{\mathbb C}[x]$ with $ f(\alpha)=0$. Then $ \alpha$ is a multiple root of $ f$ if and only if $ f'(\alpha)=0$.

% latex2html id marker 802Show that if $f$\ is an irreducible...
...${\mathbb{Q}}$\ then $f$has no multiple roots in ${\mathbb{C}}$.

The following straightforward observation is used to great effect in many arguments about diophantine approximation and algorithm analysis.

Lemma 0.3   If $ z\in\mathbb{Z}$ and $ z\neq 0$ then $ \vert z\vert\ge 1$.

Theorem 0.4   Liouville
Let $ \alpha$ be an algebraic number of degree $ n\geq2$. Then

$\displaystyle \left\vert\alpha-\frac{p}{q}\right\vert\leq\frac{1}{q^{n+1}}$% latex2html id marker 1300
$\displaystyle \mbox{ has only a
finite number of solutions $(p,q)$\ ($p,q\in{\mathbb{Z}}$). }$$\displaystyle $

Sketch of proof:
By assumption we have $ f\in{\mathbb{Z}}[x]$, % latex2html id marker 1305
$ \deg(f)=n$, $ f(\alpha)=0$ and $ \alpha$ is a simple roort of $ f$. Therefore $ f$ can be written as $ f(x)=(x-\alpha)g(x)$, where $ g\in {\mathbb{C}}[x]$ and $ g(\alpha)\neq 0$. Now

$\displaystyle \left\vert\alpha- \frac{p}{q}\right\vert=\frac{\left\vert f\left(...
...frac{p}{q}\right)\right\vert} \sim\frac{1}{q^n\left\vert g(\alpha)\right\vert}.$ (1)

(Why does $ f\left(\frac{p}{q}\right)\neq0$ ?) So

$\displaystyle \frac{1}{q^{n+1}}\ge\left\vert\alpha-\frac{p}{q}\right\vert\gtrsim \frac{c}{q^n}.$

This implies that $ q$ is bounded and therefore there are only a finite number of solutions.

Problem 0.5   (Computational geometry.) Suppose we are to find the shortest path between two points $ A$ and $ B$ in the plane, avoiding certain straight line segments (``obstacles''). The obstacles are perpendicular to $ \overline{AB}$ drawn such that they have ``convex boundary.''

Can the number of candidate optimum paths be bounded by $ n^c$, where $ n$ is the number of obstacles? In other words can an algorithm be found limiting the number of candidate paths to a polynomial number.

OPEN PROBLEM 0.6   Given positive integers $ a_1,\ldots,a_k, b_1,\ldots,b_l$ can we decide in polynomial time (in terms of total bit length) if

$\displaystyle \sum \sqrt{a_i}>\sum\sqrt{b_i}?

Exercise 0.7   Show

% latex2html id marker 1345
$\displaystyle \prod_{\pm}\sum\pm\sqrt{c_n}\in\mathbb{Z}$

where we are taking products over all assignments of signs, with the restriction that $ \sqrt{c_1}$ always positive.

Suppose we assume that for no choice of signs does $ \sum\pm\sqrt{c_i}=0$. Then

$\displaystyle \left\vert\prod_\pm\sum\pm\sqrt{c_i}\right\vert\geq1$ implies $\displaystyle \left\vert\sum\pm\sqrt{c_i}\right\vert\geq\frac{1}{\left(\sum\sqrt{c_i}\right)^{

Problem 0.8   Find a sequence $ \{c^n\}$ of sequences such that $ c^n$ is a collection of $ n$ $ n$-digit numbers; with the additional property that for some choice of signs,

$\displaystyle -$log$\displaystyle \left\vert\sum\pm\sqrt{c^n_i}\right\vert\geq\Vert{c^n}\Vert^{N(c)}.

Can $ -$log $ \left\vert\sum\pm\sqrt{c^n_i}\right\vert$ grow faster than $ n^{const}$?

Review seventh problem set.

Exercise 0.9   Show coefficient reduction does not affect the sequence $ {\mathbf{b}}_1^*,\ldots,{\mathbf{b}}_n^*$.

Exercise 0.10   We denote the Lovász potential function by $ \cal P$. Show

$\displaystyle \frac{{\cal P}_{new}}{{\cal

is a (what?) constant factor. (Hint: work only in the space spanned by $ {\mathbf{b}}_i$ and $ {\mathbf{b}}_{i+1}$.)

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Varsha Dani 2003-07-25