Neng Huang

Hello! I am a sixth-year PhD student in the Department of Computer Science at UChicago, advised by Aaron Potechin. I am on the job market this year.

I am interested in discrete math and theoretical computer science. I've been working on worst-case approximation algorithms and hardness of approximation of constraint satisfaction problems. Recently, I've also been studying average-case algorithms for CSPs.


  1. Tight Approximability of MAX 2-SAT and Relatives, Under UGC
    Joshua Brakensiek, Neng Huang, Uri Zwick
    [arXiv] [conference (SODA 24)]
  2. Local Algorithms and the Failure of Log-Depth Quantum Advantage on Sparse Random CSPs
    Antares Chen, Neng Huang, Kunal Marwaha
  3. Separating MAX 2-AND, MAX DI-CUT and MAX CUT
    Joshua Brakensiek, Neng Huang, Aaron Potechin, Uri Zwick
    [arXiv] [conference (FOCS 23)]
  4. On the Mysteries of MAX NAE-SAT
    Joshua Brakensiek, Neng Huang, Aaron Potechin, Uri Zwick
    [arXiv] [conference (SODA 21)]
  5. On the Approximability of Presidential Type Predicates
    Neng Huang, Aaron Potechin
    [arXiv] [conference (APPROX 20)]
  6. On the Decision Tree Complexity of String Matching
    Xiaoyu He, Neng Huang, Xiaoming Sun
    [arXiv] [conference (ESA 18)]


Teaching Assistant at UChicago


E-mail: nenghuang at uchicago dot edu

Last updated: January 23, 2024