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Sudarshan Babu

PhD student,
Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago (TTIC)
6045 S. Kenwood Ave., Chicago, IL

About Me

I am a PhD student at Toyota Technological Institute affiliated to the University of Chicago. I am fortunate to be advised by Michael Maire and Greg Shakhnarovich . I am also grateful for Rana Hanocka's advise on all things 3D.

Broadly, I am interested in designing architectures and training routines to enable networks to adapt faster on tasks with limited data.

I have designed several types of hypernetworks for rapidly adapting on tasks with limited data. Please check out my recent work in using hypernetworks to accelerate 3D generation under data constraints: HyperFields.

I am interested in accelerated training for 3D tasks such as reconstruction, generation, segmentation.

Recently, intersted in applying 3D tools developed in computer vision to problems in computational biology.

I am currently looking for academic and industry positions. [Curriculum Vitae]


Current Research

Industry Experience

Other Academic Activities